

The ebbits project is affiliated with the following programs and organisations:

The ebbits project is active in the FInES cluster, the Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster, where ebbits is leading the taskforces on international relations and manufacture and industry. Read more here.

The ebbits project is part of the Cluster of European projects on the Internet of Things. The Cluster aims to promote a common vision of the Internet of Things. ebbits is leading the taskforce on semantic interoperability

About us

The ebbits project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Internet of Things and Enterprise environments under Grant Agreement no. 257852


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Downloads: IoTLink: An Internet of Things Prototyping Toolkit

Downloads Home > Conference and other scientific publications > IoTLink: An Internet of Things Prototyping Toolkit

IoTLink: An Internet of Things Prototyping Toolkit

Abstract— The Internet of Things (IoT) application
development is a complex task that requires a wide range
of expertise. Currently, the IoT community lacks a
development toolkit that enables inexperienced developers
to develop IoT prototypes rapidly. Filling this gap, we
propose a development toolkit based on a model-driven
approach, called IoTLink. IoTLink allows inexperienced
developers to compose mashup applications through a
graphical domain-specific language that can be easily
configured and wired together to create an IoT application.
Through visual components, IoTLink encapsulates
the complexity of communicating with devices and services
on the internet and abstracts them as virtual objects that
are accessible through different communication technologies.
Consequently, it solves interoperability between
heterogeneous IoT components. Based on the visual model,
IoTLink is able to generate a complete Java project
including an extendable Java code. In a controlled
experiment, IoTLink was 42% faster than using a Java
library and able to outperformed the Java library’s user

22 January 2015 08:55
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