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The ebbits project is affiliated with the following programs and organisations:The ebbits project is active in the FInES cluster, the Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster, where ebbits is leading the taskforces on international relations and manufacture and industry. Read more here.
The ebbits project is part of the Cluster of European projects on the Internet of Things. The Cluster aims to promote a common vision of the Internet of Things. ebbits is leading the taskforce on semantic interoperability
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2015 events:
17-19th February, Paris, France
18th ICIN International conference
The high level conference is about Innovations in Services, Networks and Clouds Connecting People, Things and Machines. Partners ISMB, COMAU and FIT have submitted a paper which has been accepted for the session on Internet of Things III. The title of the paper is Industrial Application Development Exploiting IoT Vision and Model Driven Programming.
2014 events:
10-14 February, Bremen, Germany
4th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2014)
The conference is concerned with the identification, analysis, and description of the dynamics of logistic processes and networks. Partners IS, FIT, CNET and ISMB have a paper accepted with the title: Food traceability chain supported by the ebbits IoT middleware.
7-11 April, Hannover, Germany
Hannover Fair
The Hannover Messe is one of the world’s most important technology shows. ebbits partners FIT will attend, showing the ebbits manufacturing prototype.
16-20 June, London, UK
IoT Week 2014
The IoT Week is the pre-eminent event on IoT, originated from the European IoT Research Cluster and featuring the latest developments from industry and research.
ebbits is presented by Claudio Pastrone and Maria Teresa Delgado from partners ISMB in the workshop on IoT Innovation: From application scenarios and pilots to deployments.
The session is organised and managed by ISMB as part of the activities of the IERC Activity Chain 03 (Application scenarios, Pilots and Innovation), which aims to give visibility to and disseminate similar type of results from a wider set of EU collaborative projects. The session focuses on project results that can be considered mature and on the importance of international research collaborations.
18-19 June, Paris, France
Smart Agrimatics
Smart AgriMatics is an international conference on Future Internet ICT and robotics in agriculture and food business. Partners ISMB, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, will be presenting ebbits results in the field of food traceability.
17-19 September, Split, Croatia
SoftCOM 2014
Web: http:
The IEEE Conference SoftCOM is an international conference on software, telecommunications and computer networks. Partners ISMB will present their paper Demo: Dependable and Scalable Multi-Radio Networked Embedded System at a poster session
10-12 October, Utrecht, Netherlands
Green Hackfest 2014
The theme for the 3 day hacking event is applied sustainability. By tapping into the many APIs and SDKs from Green technology companies and more than 100 publicly available APIs, participants will team up to cultivate new ways of solving old problems and designing new products and services. As sponsors, ebbits is present, represented by Alexander Schneider from FIT as one of the judges.
2013 events:
8-12 April, Hannover, Germany
Hannover Fair
The Hannover Messe is one of the world’s most important technology shows. ebbits partners plan to attend, showing an ebbits demo on process oriented energy optimisation.
8-10 May, Dublin, Ireland
Future Internet Assembly
FIA is a research community driven initiative supported by more than 150 research projects that have recognised the need to strengthen European activities on the Future Internet to maintain European competitiveness in the global marketplace. ebbits partners plan to attend, showing a demo from the manufacturing domain on process oriented energy optimisation.
4-5 June, Shanghai, China
IoT Shanghai 2013
The conference and exhibition focus on IoT for a better and smart life. ebbits partners plan to exhibit at the conference and arrange a workshop.
16-20 June, Helsinki, Finland
IoT Week 2013
The IoT Week offers industry presentations and live demonstration of latest IoT technologies. ebbits partners plan to present an ebbits demo and arrange a workshop.
23-27 June, Turin, Italy
The conference is on the future of ICT in the agri-food sector, bio resource and biomass sector. It is a joint sponsored event between EFITA, WCCA and CIGR VII. ebbits partners have submitted an extended abstract titled 'The ebbits platform: leveraging on the internet of things to support meat traceability'. The paper has been accepted for oral presentation.
27-29 June, Boston, USA
SEKE 2013 - The 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
The conference aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering to discuss on relevant results in either software engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the transference of methods between both domains.ebbits partner FIT has submitted a paper titled: "Model Driven Development for Internet of Things Application Development" which has been accepted.
28-29 August, Prague, Czech Republic
10th International Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business
The conference will provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of trust and privacy in digital business. ebbits partners have submitted a paper titled "Defining a Trust Framework Design Process".
2-7 September, London, UK
Campus Party Europe
The Campus Party Europe event is an annual week long, 24-hours-a-day technology festival for young people with talks, debates, workshops, competitions and hackathons related to science, innovation, digital entertainment and creativity. ebbits is sponsoring a mobile hackathon: Innovations in food safety through food traceability.
9-13 September, Turin, Italy
The ICEAA 2013 conference
At the International conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ebbits partners will be presenting the paper: "Multi-Access Interface Selection Based on Data Mining Algorithm". Authors: H. Khaleel, M. Delgado, C. Pastrone, M.A. Spirito, S. Tchabou, R. Garello.
10-13 September, Cagliary, Italy
ETFA 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology & Factory Automation
The ETFA conference is a large IEEE-sponsored event dedicated to factory automation and emerging technologies in industrial automation. ebbits partners have submitted a paper with the title: "Bringing the Internet of Things along the Manufacturing Line: A Case Study in Controlling Industrial Robot and Monitoring Energy Consumption Remotely".
27 September, Kosice, Slovakia
Researchers' Night 2013
Researchers' Night is a big event taking place every year on a single September night in about 300 cities all over Europe. The aim is to popularise research for the wide public. Partner TUK made a presentation on several projects dealing with IoT. The presentation was in slovak with the title: "Artificial Intelligence in IoT".
7-9 October, Lyon, France
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2013)
The IEEE WiMob is an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, developers and practitioners of wireless and mobile technology. The ebbits paper "Denial-of-Service detection in 6LoWPAN based Internet of Things" will be presented at the conference. Authors: Kasinathan P. and Pastrone C. and Spirito A. M. and Vinkovits M.
13-15 October, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Znalosti 2013
The conference provides a platform for presenting results and discussing recent trends in research focusing on discovery, processing, retrieval, organisation and presentation of knowledge. Partner TUK was invited to lecture on Semantic Middelware in the IoT which will be published in proceedings of the conference.
4-8 November, Berlin, Germany
ACM CCS 2013 - 20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
An ebbits poster will be published by partner ISMB with the title: An IDS framework for Internet of Things empowered by 6LoWPAN. Authors: K. Prabhakaran, G. Costamagna, H. Khaleel, C. Pastrone, M.A. Spirito.
6-8 November, Vilnius, Lithuania
ICT 2013 conference and exhibition
ebbits will have an exhibition stand at the conference which will have more than 4000 researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry representatives and politicians present. The event will focus on Horizon 2020 - the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020.
2012 events:
19-21 September - Varaždin, Kroatia
CECIIS - 2012
The conference is a central European conference on Information and Intelligent Systems. ebbits partner IS has submitted a paper.
3-5 September - Amsterdam, Netherlands
2012 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust
The conference is the 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust. ebbits partner FIT has submitted a paper.
28-29 August - Taiwan
IVF- Taiwan ICT Workshop
The IVF-Taiwan ICT workshop has been set to be one of the major cooperation forums between Taiwan and the International Visegrad Fund, consisting of the Visegrad Group countries; the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic. The Themes of the workshop are: Internet of Thing, Biophotonics, Research and Educational Networks and HPC (High-performance computing) and PRACE activities in Europe. Partners IS and TUK will be presenting ebbits.
16-18 July - Paris, France
PST 2012
The conference is the 10th annual conference on Privacy, Security and Trust. ebbits partner FIT has submitted a paper titled "Towards Requirements for Trust Management".
25-27 June - Liverpool, England
TrustCom 2012
The conference is the 11th IEEE international conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. ebbits partners FIT and ISMB have submitted a paper titled "Anonymous networking meets real-world business requirements".
18-22 June - Venice, Italy
The IoT Week
ebbits partners ISMB and CNET have organised a session on IoT exploitation together with the project IoT@Work which is scheduled for Monday 18th June. The session deals with how the Internet of Things paradigm is going to be realised in everyday-life and features presentations from projects who work with this challenge in different application domains. The integration of IoT into mainstream enterprise systems will be presented by CNET with focus on the two application domains; car manufacturing and food traceability. ISMB will be moderating the session. ebbits will also participate in the session on IoT cognitive Technologies with ISMB presenting the ebbits perspective on IoT cognitive and autonomic technologies with the objective of drafting a plan for 2012-2013 activities and identifying key synergies amongst existing projects. The IOT Week is an annual networking event offering a platform for exchanging the latest news on research topics and revealing political and societal insights on the field of IoT.
2-9 June - Zürich Switzerland
ICSE 2012
Two papers have been submitted, accepted and presented at ICSE events by FIT. The ICSE event is the 34th international conference on software engineering.
8-11 May - Aalborg, Denmark
The Future Internet Assembly
ebbits is co-organising a session on the topic "IoT Applications and Business Models".
6-10 March 2012 - Hanover, Germany
CeBIT 2012
ebbits is co-exhibiting at the Factories of the Future booth, arranged by the ActionPlanT project. The stand can be found in Hall 26, stand J13.
2011 events:
12-16 December 2011 - Lisboa, Portugal
Middleware for Service Oriented Computing - 6th MW4SOC Workshop of the 12th International Middleware Conference 2011
The workshop deals with service oriented computing in particular service oriented middleware that can address the challenges of administrative heterogeneity, the loose coupling between coarse-grained operations and long-running interactions, high dynamicity, and the required flexibility during run-time. Partners FIT, ISMB, COMAU and SAP are preparing a workshop paper.
5-9 September 2011 - Szeged, Hungary
ESEC/FSE 2011 - European Software Engineering Conference
The joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering is an internationally renowned forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and challenges in the field of software engineering. Partner FIT has submitted a paper for the ESEC conference.
30 August to 2 September 2011 - Stockholm, Sweden
MobileHCI 2011
MobileHCI 2011 will be the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. The MobileHCI series provides a forum for academics and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with mobile systems and services. It covers the design, evaluation and application of techniques for all mobile and wearable computing devices and services. Partners FIT, SAP and TNM have admitted a joint workshop paper on a first traceability demo which can enhance the communication work flow of medical data between vets and farmers. They will present it at the workshop "Mobile Work Efficiency: Enhancing Workflows with Mobile Devices".
13-16 July 2011 - Barcelona, Spain
DL2011 - 24th International Workshop on Description Logics
The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information and compare experiences. Partner SAP has submitted a workshop paper on restricting access to ontologies.
6-9 June 2011 - Timisoara, Romania
2nd WOSS - second workshop on software services
WoSS is an open forum for academics, practitioners and vendors, allowing them to discuss the current trends and scientific and technological challenges in software services. 2nd WoSS is dedicated to Cloud computing and Applications. Partners IS and TUK have submitted a paper titled "The Semantic Middleware for Networked Embedded Systems Applied in the Internet of Things and Services Domain".
11-13 May 2011, Gaborone, Botswana
IST-Africa 2011
The conference brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government & research organisations across Africa and from Europe, to bridge the Digital Divide by sharing knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and good practice and discussing policy related issues. Partner FIT presented ebbits at the Workshop on Networked Enterprises: Potential and Opportunities for Businesses in Africa, with a presentation titled 'Enterprise Systems in the Internet of Things'.
3 May 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark
RFID in Denmark
The conference focuses on the advantages of using RFID technology for companies and organisations within the future EU policy framework. The event was co-organised by ebbits, as part of the FInES cluster. Partner IN-JET and SAP represented ebbits.
23-25 February 2011, Bonn Germany
EWSN 2011
EWSN 2011, the European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, is the eigth of a series of annual meetings focusing on the latest research in the area of wireless sensor networks. ebbits was invited by the Commission and FIT presented a poster: "Middleware for Networked Embedded Devices". FIT also participated in a workshop of the Internet of Things European Research Cluster (IERC) Activity Chains "AC 11 - Application scenarios" and "AC 14 - Exploitation".
31 January to 2 February 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia
Znalosti 2011
Partners TUK and IS admitted and presented a paper entitled The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain.
2010 events:
27-29 September 2010, Brussels; Belgium
ICT 2010
The event focused on the future of digital technologies. Partner CNET made a presentation at the IERC cluster meeting.