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The ebbits project is affiliated with the following programs and organisations:The ebbits project is active in the FInES cluster, the Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster, where ebbits is leading the taskforces on international relations and manufacture and industry. Read more here.
The ebbits project is part of the Cluster of European projects on the Internet of Things. The Cluster aims to promote a common vision of the Internet of Things. ebbits is leading the taskforce on semantic interoperability
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The ebbits project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Internet of Things and Enterprise environments under Grant Agreement no. 257852
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ebbits interactive OEEE calculator
This demo displays the front-end for the OEEE online calculator.
Presently, pure economic efficiency metrics guides the optimisation of vehicle manufacturing. However, manufacturing is a major consumer of energy. In order to support sustainability and facilitate interactions between actors in the supply chain, we have defined a new, total optimisation metrics by adding energy to the OEE index, thus creating a new key index, the OEEE Overall Equipment and Energy Efficiency index, with the following four components.
The OEEE index breaks the total performance of equipment into four separate and measurable components: Availability, Performance, Quality and Energy Efficiency:
Use the slides below to calculate the OEEE. First slide is for the availability index, next slide for the efficiency index, third slide for the quality indes and the bottom slide for the energy index. At the bottom the OEEE index is calculated.
In the real ebbits demonstrator, the data are automatically collected from the production line and the OEEE is dynamically calculated.
Presently, pure economic efficiency metrics guides the optimisation of vehicle manufacturing. However, manufacturing is a major consumer of energy. In order to support sustainability and facilitate interactions between actors in the supply chain, we have defined a new, total optimisation metrics by adding energy to the OEE index, thus creating a new key index, the OEEE Overall Equipment and Energy Efficiency index, with the following four components.
The OEEE index breaks the total performance of equipment into four separate and measurable components: Availability, Performance, Quality and Energy Efficiency:
- Availability looks at the downtime loss, which is the time the production is stopped, compared to the planned production time. Availability is a function of equipment failures, material shortages, and changeover time.
- The Performance component is also a function of downtime, changeover time and speed loss, i.e., factors that result in the process operating at less than maximum speed due to machine wear, misfeeds, and operator inefficiency.
- The Quality component depends on the amount of produced items that fails to meet quality standards and thus will have to be either rejected or reworked.
- The Energy component is a function of the actual energy efficiency of the real production process, i.e., how much energy is wasted compared to the most efficient process.
Use the slides below to calculate the OEEE. First slide is for the availability index, next slide for the efficiency index, third slide for the quality indes and the bottom slide for the energy index. At the bottom the OEEE index is calculated.
In the real ebbits demonstrator, the data are automatically collected from the production line and the OEEE is dynamically calculated.
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